April 2018 Monthly Letter
Well that’s a wrap on another busy and exciting month! I’ve been busy working on my RG146 qualification this month which has been interesting, and it’s definitely been a learning curve. I’ve also been smashing out a few university assignments, so it’s good to see some progress there;
If you’re looking to kick-start your morning routine, one of my favourite podcasters and bloggers has a great episode on starting your day off on the right foot — check it out! While you’re there — make sure you check out his article full of examples of great personal portfolios and websites, if you’re thinking of putting one together.
I’m not sure how I came across this video by Michelle Phan, but I found it deeply moving. She left Youtube a year ago and made this video to share why she made the decision to leave it all behind.
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy time. Sometimes you have to let go of things to move forward, and create your own happiness.
I was also referred to MealPal this month by some colleagues, which is a subscription service where you can skip the queue and get meals for less than $8.00. I think at the moment they are only operating in Sydney and Melbourne CBD in Australia, with over 100 local restaurants offering meals every weekday and the ability to pre-order your meal and skip the queue. I’ve really enjoyed MealPal so far, and it’s definitely saving me money on lunch in Melbourne CBD (which is getting quite pricey).
New on the How To Money Platform
Interesting Reads from Around the Web
The Ultimate Guide to Studying for Tests and Exams — College Info Geek
How to Take Notes in College: The 6 Best Systems — College Info Geek
17 Ideas for the Modern World of Work — altMBA
How to Build a Micro-Niche Site — Bren on the Road
If we Taught Walking in School — Derek Magil
If we Taught Bike Riding Like we Taught Careers — Praxis
Have a wonderful month!