My FIRE Toolbox

My discovery of FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) came from reading through copious amounts of online content and clicking from site to site. To get you started I have listed below some of my favourite FIRE resources from around the web (which I will add to regularly) below. Although a huge amount of these resources are coming out of America (where the FIRE movement is much bigger), there are some fantastic resources starting to appear in Australia which is amazing to see!
Last Updated: 25th October 2018
Here are some of my favourite FIRE resources from around the web:
- Mr. Money Mustache — the original FIRE guru
- Four Pillar Freedom — another great visual FIRE site
- Frugalwoods — if you’re interested in a more frugal FIRE perspective
- Millennial Boss — a younger perspective
- Our Next Life — an American couple who have recently achieved FI
And some more resources that are specifically Australian:
- Pat the Shuffler — FIRE blogger
- Aussie Firebug — FIRE blogger
- Strong Money Australia — FIRE blogger
- Miss Money Box — a strong focus on financial education
- Fearless Female Traders — female-focused personal finance community
And of course some Podcasts (via iTunes):
- FIRE Drill Podcast
- ChooseFI
- Radical Personal Finance
- The Mad Fientist
- Afford Anything
- Listen Money Matters
- Aussie Firebug
And some of my favourite financial independence-themed books at the moment:
- The Simple Path to Wealth — J L Collins
- Meet the Frugalwoods — Elizabeth Thames
- The Year of Less — Cait Flanders
- Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Live — Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus
- Side Hustle: Chris Guillebeau
- Millennial Money — James and Patrick O’Shaughnessy
As I continue on my FIRE journey I plan to share what I learn and discover here, as a record of my discoveries and growth. Please feel free to share your favourite FIRE resources in the comments below, as I’d love to check them out.
Until next time,